All Trust schools, partner schools, partner organisations and all trustees will work together to ensure that all children in our area receive the highest quality education, whilst valuing each school's autonomy and uniqueness.
The Aspire Community Trust, by working collaboratively together, aims to enhance the educational
opportunities and outcomes for every child in the Aspire Community Trust by:
- Facilitating a rigorous collaborative process across all Aspire Community Trust schools, monitored by Trustees, which clearly demonstrates the benefits to all the children of the schools covered by the Memorandum.
- Providing all Headteachers of Aspire Community Trust schools with the necessary levels of support and challenge to ensure that the level of education at each school is of a high standard.
- Maximising the benefits of staff working together, across Aspire Community Trust schools, to share expertise and best practice.
- Ensuring that Aspire Community Trust schools retain their best staff and are able to recruit high quality staff to fill vacancies.
- Using the resources at our disposal to deliver our educational aims as efficiently and effectively as possible.